Deleting Models
The Laravel-OpenSearch integration facilitates model deletion in a manner that's highly consistent with the Laravel Eloquent ORM, offering a familiar interface for developers
Single Model Deletion
To delete a single model, first, retrieve the model instance using the find method and then call the delete method on the instance. This operation removes the document from the OpenSearch index corresponding to the model.
$product = Product::find('IiLKG38BCOXW3U9a4zcn');
Mass Deletion
For deleting multiple models based on certain criteria, you can chain the delete method to a query.
Truncating an Index
The truncate method removes all documents from an index without deleting the index itself. This is useful for quickly clearing all data while preserving the index settings and mappings.
Destroy by _id
Single _id
Multiple _id
Product::destroy('4yKKHH8BCOXW3U9ag1-8', '_iKKHH8BCOXW3U9ahF8Q');
Multiple _id
s as an array
Product::destroy(['4yKKHH8BCOXW3U9ag1-8', '_iKKHH8BCOXW3U9ahF8Q']);
Soft Deletes
Soft deletion is implemented to allow "deleting" a model without actually removing it from the OpenSearch index. Instead, a deleted_at
timestamp is added to the document, and the document is excluded from queries by default.
To use soft deletes, include the SoftDeletes
trait in your model:
use PDPhilip\OpenSearch\Eloquent\Model;
use PDPhilip\OpenSearch\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
class Product extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
With soft deletes enabled, you can include deleted models in your query results using the withTrashed()
Product::withTrashed()->where('color', 'red')->get();
With soft deletes enabled, you can restore soft-deleted collections using the restore()
Product::withTrashed()->where('color', 'red')->restore();
To permanently remove a soft-deleted collection, you can use the forceDelete method:
Product::withTrashed()->where('discontinued_at', '<', '2020-01-01')->forceDelete();