OpenSearch to MySQL Model Relationships

In many applications, OpenSearch is used in conjunction with a relational database like MySQL. The Laravel-OpenSearch integration allows you to define hybrid relationships between OpenSearch and MySQL models seamlessly. This enables a flexible and powerful architecture for applications that need the speed and scalability of OpenSearch along with the reliability and consistency of a relational database.

Implementing Hybrid Relationships

To establish a relationship between an OpenSearch model and a MySQL (or any native Laravel datasource) model, you will need to use the HybridRelations trait provided by the Laravel-OpenSearch package in your non-OpenSearch model to bind the two models together.

use PDPhilip\OpenSearch\Eloquent\HybridRelations;

Full example

Relationship Diagram

The models will define the following relationships:

Model Relationships in OpenSearch

User model (MySQL)

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use PDPhilip\OpenSearch\Eloquent\HybridRelations;

 * App\Models\User
 * *****Relationships*******
 * @property-read UserLog $userLogs
 * @property-read UserProfile $userProfile
 * @property-read Company $company
 * @property-read Avatar $avatar
 * @property-read Photo $photos
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HybridRelations;

    protected $connection = 'mysql';

    //Relationships  =====================================
    // With OpenSearch models

    public function userLogs()
        return $this->hasMany(UserLog::class);

    public function userProfile()
        return $this->hasOne(UserProfile::class);

    public function company()
        return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);

    public function avatar()
        return $this->morphOne(Avatar::class, 'imageable');

    public function photos()
        return $this->morphMany(Photo::class, 'photoable');

UserLog model (OpenSearch)

 * App\Models\UserLog
 * @property string $_id
 * @property string $company_id
 * @property string $title
 * @property integer $code
 * @property mixed $meta
 * @property Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @property-read User $user
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class UserLog extends Model

    protected $connection = 'opensearch';

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);


UserProfile model (OpenSearch)

 * App\Models\UserProfile
 * @property string $_id
 * @property string $user_id
 * @property string $twitter
 * @property string $facebook
 * @property string $address
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @property-read User $user
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class UserProfile extends Model

    protected $connection = 'opensearch';

    //Relationships  =====================================

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);


Company Model (OpenSearch)

 * App\Models\CompanyLog
 * @property string $_id
 * @property string $name
 * @property integer $status
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @property-read User $user
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class CompanyLog extends Model
    protected $connection = 'opensearch';

    //Relationships  =====================================

    public function company()
        return $this->hasMany(User::class);

Avatar Model (OpenSearch)

 * App\Models\Avatar
 * @property string $_id
 * @property string $url
 * @property string $imageable_id
 * @property string $imageable_type
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @property-read Company $company
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Avatar extends Model
    protected $connection = 'opensearch';

    //Relationships  =====================================

    public function imageable()
        return $this->morphTo();

Photo Model (OpenSearch)

 * App\Models\Photo
 * @property string $_id
 * @property string $url
 * @property string $photoable_id
 * @property string $photoable_type
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @property-read Company $company
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class Photo extends Model
    protected $connection = 'opensearch';

    //Relationships  =====================================

    public function photoable()
        return $this->morphTo();

Example Usage

// Retrieve User and related OpenSearch models
$user = User::first();
$userCompanyName = $user->company->name; //Company name for the user
$userTwitter = $user->userProfile->twitter;
$userAvatar = $user->avatar->url; //Link to Avatar
$userPhotos = $user->photos->toArray(); //Array of photos

// Retrieve UserLog and related MySQL User
$userLog = UserLog::first();
$userName = $userLog->user->name;

// Retrieve Company and related MySQL Users
$company = Company::first();
$companyUsers = $company->users->toArray(); //Array of users

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